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content:serverbasics:docker [2024/08/03 23:32] – [First Docker App: Portainer] Danielcontent:serverbasics:docker [2025/02/08 11:30] (aktuell) – [Update] Daniel
Zeile 9: Zeile 9:
 __**Warning: This is a very strong advise NOT to use docker default in rootmode at all! **__  The reason is, that any service is able to talk to the Docker Daemon if there is a connection to the Docker socket in the Volumes (which some services require) - or simply if thers a bug somewhere. By that way, the Docker Container will be able to set up ANY service and bind ANY location on the Host, that the docker user may be able to see. So if the Service gets taken over and the service ist runnig as root… you know where you are. __**Warning: This is a very strong advise NOT to use docker default in rootmode at all! **__  The reason is, that any service is able to talk to the Docker Daemon if there is a connection to the Docker socket in the Volumes (which some services require) - or simply if thers a bug somewhere. By that way, the Docker Container will be able to set up ANY service and bind ANY location on the Host, that the docker user may be able to see. So if the Service gets taken over and the service ist runnig as root… you know where you are.
-So just: Don't set up Docker rootful at all if possible. +So just: Don't set up Docker rootfull at all if possible - its even not neeeded nowadays.
 ===== Filesystem Layout ===== ===== Filesystem Layout =====
-Mind, that at the time writing, ''overlay2'' is the way to go as storage driver in docker, but it only supports xfs as backing filesystems (with ''d_type=true'' which means ''ftype=1'' ).+Mind, that at the time writing, ''overlay2'' is the way to go as storage driver in docker, but it only supports xfs as backing filesystems (with ''d_type=true'' which means ''ftype=1''for full support.
-I personally dislike xfs, especially while its not rubust and won't shrink. I use it anyway, because of its srong advise to do so - with kernel 5.19+ it should be possible to get overlay2 working on btrfs, but still there are things that may not work even with that kernel.+I personally dislike xfs, especially while its not rubust and won't shrink. I use it anyway, because of its srong advise to do so - with kernel 5.19+ it should be possible to get overlay2 working on btrfs, but still there are things that may not work even with that kernel - in the worst case, docker is unable to unlink files, so there will be huge Containers and Volumes and maybe Services will break.
 So make sure, that the Home-Directory of you docker user is on XFS. The ftype is already ok on SuSE 15.5, check output of ''xfs_info <volumename>''. So make sure, that the Home-Directory of you docker user is on XFS. The ftype is already ok on SuSE 15.5, check output of ''xfs_info <volumename>''.
-Warning: you may have umask set your way - i prefer 007 as writte before. But if you change umask and permissions be very cautious, as docker uses userid- mapping and may change the permissions and ownersets of files in its directory to the subuserid.+Warning: you may have umask set your way - i prefer 007 as written before. But if you change umask and permissions be very cautious, as docker uses userid- mapping and may change the permissions and ownersets of files in its directory to the subuserid.
 That may change the ownership in a way, that even the docker user on the host cannot access the Files, which is OK ! That may change the ownership in a way, that even the docker user on the host cannot access the Files, which is OK !
-__**STRONG WARNING: Don't change permissions or ownership of docker- directories on the Host directly as this will chage them in the container and break your Services !!!**__+__**STRONG WARNING: Don't change permissions or ownership of docker- directories on the Host directly as this will change them in the container, making them unavaiable and break your Services !!!**__
 __**The only way to manage Volume- File- Permissions is to bash inside the running container itself and to change them there (to the right values of course)!**__ __**The only way to manage Volume- File- Permissions is to bash inside the running container itself and to change them there (to the right values of course)!**__
 +A short hint: Docker rootless uses Sub(g)uids, which is a feature of Linux. That means each user has a range of userids (quite a huge range) and groupid which the user may use. Those will be exclusive reserved for that user. But it does not mean, that the User can acces the Files created by those Subuids! Also the UIDs are onyl a number - not a real user in Linux having a username- They cannot be used to logon or to work with. Docker manages internally which Host-Subuserid is assigned to which caontainer and to which userid inside the running container/service. Inside the Container, you may become that user having a real username and a (different) uid.
 ===== Packages NOT to install ===== ===== Packages NOT to install =====
Zeile 43: Zeile 43:
 ===== Docker- User ===== ===== Docker- User =====
-Create a new **group** called **docker** and a new **user** called **docker**. Make the user is in the **default group docker**.+Create a new **group**  called **docker**  and a new **user**  called **docker**. Make the user is in the **default group docker**.
 Attention: The Home Directory should be on a volume having XFS as btrfs or others are not fully supported right now (20.04.2024 - patches in new Kernel 5.19 are incoming, but this Kernel is not released until now and still there are some problems open in developement there). Attention: The Home Directory should be on a volume having XFS as btrfs or others are not fully supported right now (20.04.2024 - patches in new Kernel 5.19 are incoming, but this Kernel is not released until now and still there are some problems open in developement there).
 ===== cGroups v2 ===== ===== cGroups v2 =====
Zeile 319: Zeile 318:
 ''~/.config/docker/daemon.json'' ''~/.config/docker/daemon.json''
-**by default, the path and the file is not existent, __create it new__ within the docker user**.+**by default, the path and the file is not existent, __create it new__  within the docker user**.
 For example, enable IPv6. See [[https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/ipv6/|https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/ipv6/]] for details. For example, enable IPv6. See [[https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/ipv6/|https://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/ipv6/]] for details.
Zeile 336: Zeile 335:
 </file> </file>
-Notice: Don't use ''userns-remap'' - this won't work and makes no sense in rootless!+Notice: Don't use ''userns-remap''  - this won't work and makes no sense in rootless!
 Edit: "experimental": true has been removed for ipv6 with docker v27. Edit: "experimental": true has been removed for ipv6 with docker v27.
Zeile 342: Zeile 341:
 You need to adjust cidr to some unique ULA. ULAs are non internet routable adresses (like 192.X.X.X in ipv4). Select an unique adress only for that internal Docker network - you can choose anything that is not assigned anywhere else on your network to not cause trouble. You need to adjust cidr to some unique ULA. ULAs are non internet routable adresses (like 192.X.X.X in ipv4). Select an unique adress only for that internal Docker network - you can choose anything that is not assigned anywhere else on your network to not cause trouble.
-Maybe use this tool to generate: https://www.unique-local-ipv6.com+Maybe use this tool to generate: [[https://www.unique-local-ipv6.com|https://www.unique-local-ipv6.com]]
 ===== Networking in Docker rootless ===== ===== Networking in Docker rootless =====
Zeile 349: Zeile 348:
 Instead the network is encapsulated in the environement of rootlesskit and not visible to the host. From the Hosts view Docker is just another Application running on your Host talking to the internet like some app would do. Instead the network is encapsulated in the environement of rootlesskit and not visible to the host. From the Hosts view Docker is just another Application running on your Host talking to the internet like some app would do.
 ===== Install docker compose ===== ===== Install docker compose =====
-**This Chapter may be obsolete as since docker v27 the compose plugin is part of installation script - check your output of ''docker info'' for the installed Plugins and if ''docker compose version'' already has a version. If so, skip this.**+**This Chapter may be obsolete as since docker v27 the compose plugin is part of installation script - check your output of ''docker info''  for the installed Plugins and if ''docker compose version''  already has a version. If so, skip this.**
-The command ''docker-compose'' has been obsoleted and been replaced by a plugin ''compose'' for docker (see [[https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/|https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/]]).+The command ''docker-compose''  has been obsoleted and been replaced by a plugin ''compose''  for docker (see [[https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/|https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/]]).
 Installing it the manual way: Installing it the manual way:
-Edit the File ''~/.bashrc'' and add:+Edit the File ''~/.bashrc''  and add:
 <code> <code>
Zeile 383: Zeile 381:
 Your done with the compose plugin Your done with the compose plugin
 ===== Update ===== ===== Update =====
Zeile 392: Zeile 389:
 #!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
 #Upgrade docker rootless and plugin #Upgrade docker rootless and plugin
 +sleep 5
 systemctl --user stop docker systemctl --user stop docker
 +sleep 5
 rm -f ~/bin/dockerd rm -f ~/bin/dockerd
 +rm ~/.config/systemd/user/docker.service.bak
 +mv ~/.config/systemd/user/docker.service ~/.config/systemd/user/docker.service.bak
 +#reinstall docker compose
 +rm $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
 +echo "Download Docker Compose Release ${COMPOSE_VER} - please check at https://github.com/docker/compose/releases for the newes Version and change this File"
 +curl -SL https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v${COMPOSE_VER}/docker-compose-linux-x86_64 -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
 +chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
 +#install docker
 curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/rootless | sh curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/rootless | sh
 #need to give the new binary permissions to acces privileged network ports (beneath 1024) #need to give the new binary permissions to acces privileged network ports (beneath 1024)
 sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' ~/bin/rootlesskit sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' ~/bin/rootlesskit
- +#this should be everything 
-If you installed docker compose, check the newest version first at https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest +docker info
-# NO NEED since v27 any more +
-#curl -SL https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.27.0/docker-compose-linux-x86_64 -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose+
 </file> </file>
Zeile 416: Zeile 424:
 As always, SSH into your docker- user and than create the folders and yml-files for docker compose and portainer. As always, SSH into your docker- user and than create the folders and yml-files for docker compose and portainer.
 <code> <code>
 obel1x@server:~> ssh localhost -l docker obel1x@server:~> ssh localhost -l docker
 Password: Password:
  • content/serverbasics/docker.1722727979.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/03 23:32
  • von Daniel