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Docker: Caddy
Caddy is a powerful full featured webserver, which is also easy to use and setup.
In this guide i will show how to use Caddy as SSL- Proxy for your services to deliver them to the internet via name- based virtual hosting.
You need a (Linux/rootless)- Dockerized System, as descirbed here: https://obel1x.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=content:serverbasics:docker|
DNS- Records
You will also need a domainname like my.domain.tld
and hostnames, that are resolvable for each service, so that service.my.domain.tld
can be resolved from out of - and in the internet to point to your Server. If you do not have them already, this is how to get them.
Register some Domain
There are many free Domainproviders out there. I chose dynv6 ( https://dynv6.com ), but this should work with any of them.
bla (not ready) blah - setup IPV4 , setup IPV6, bla link to https://obel1x.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=content:serverbasics:network-dyndns|
Define services
After that, create an A-Name record (or AAAA- Name for ipv6) per service without specifying the ip, som that the dynamic ip of the domain will be taken.
Create Caddy Yaml
log in to your docker- user using ssh e.g.: ssh localhost -l docker
Then go to where your yaml- folders are and create a new folder for your caddy service.
For me, this would be mkdir /srv/docker-compose/caddy
Change to that directory and create the following docker-compose.yml file in it, putting in the following:
version: "3.8" services: caddy: image: caddy:alpine restart: always volumes: - $PWD/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile:ro - caddy_certs:/certs - caddy_config:/config - caddy_data:/data - caddy_sites:/srv #Test html # - $PWD/index.html:/usr/share/caddy/index.html:ro cap_add: - NET_ADMIN # initially i wanted to make networkmode host to acces ports on locahost directly # it turned out not to work in rootless- mode for security reasons # so don't use host- mode. to access local services take the hostname directly, maybe define it static and add it to /etc/hosts # e.g. pcserver:9000 - mind, that the port must be pubilshed by the other containers to the host # NOT localhost:9000 - this is prevented by docker in rootless- mode ! # network_mode: "host" # set /etc/sysctl.conf to allow Port 80 and 443 with # net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start = 80 # net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start = 443 ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" - "443:443/udp" volumes: caddy_data: driver: local driver_opts: device: "" type: "" o: "umask=0007" caddy_config: driver: local driver_opts: device: "" type: "" o: "umask=0007" caddy_certs: driver: local driver_opts: device: "" type: "" o: "umask=0007" caddy_sites: driver: local driver_opts: device: "" type: "" o: "umask=0007"
Caddy Configuration
if you omit the Caddyfile, the server will already work, but we can directly Skip those tests and create the file Caddyfile
in that folder too with the following content:
https://portainer.obel1x.dynv6.net:443 { header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000; reverse_proxy pcserver2023:9000 }