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content:serverbasics:docker-caddy [2024/01/08 19:26] – angelegt Danielcontent:serverbasics:docker-caddy [2025/02/08 14:12] (aktuell) Daniel
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 Caddy is a powerful full featured webserver, which is also easy to use and setup. Caddy is a powerful full featured webserver, which is also easy to use and setup.
-In this guide i will show how to use Caddy as SSL- Proxy for your services to deliver them to the internet via name- based virtual hosting.+In this guide i will show how to use Caddy as SSL- Reverse- Proxy for your services to deliver them to the internet via name- based virtual hosting.
 ===== Prerequisites ===== ===== Prerequisites =====
Zeile 11: Zeile 11:
 ===== DNS- Records ===== ===== DNS- Records =====
-You will also need a domainname like ''my.domain.tld'' and hostnames, that are resolvable for each service, so that ''service.my.domain.tld'' can be resolved from out of - and in the internet to point to your Server. If you do not have them already, this is how to get them. +You will also need a domainname like ''my.domain.tld'' and hostnames, that are resolvable for each service, so that ''service.my.domain.tld'' can be resolved from out of - and in the internet to point to your Server. If you do not have them already, read here: [[.:network-dyndns|]]
-==== Register some Domain ====+
-There are many free Domainproviders out there. I chose dynv6 ( [[https://dynv6.com|https://dynv6.com]] ), but this should work with any of them. +When your service sucessfully resolvesyou can use it in Caddy as written beneath.
- +
-bla (not ready) blah - setup IPV4 , setup IPV6, bla link to [[.:network-dyndns|https://obel1x.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=content:serverbasics:network-dyndns|]] +
- +
-==== Define services ==== +
- +
-After that, create an A-Name record (or AAAA- Name for ipv6) per service without specifying the ipsom that the dynamic ip of the domain will be taken.+
 ===== Create Caddy Yaml ===== ===== Create Caddy Yaml =====
Zeile 31: Zeile 24:
 Change to that directory and create the following docker-compose.yml file in it, putting in the following: Change to that directory and create the following docker-compose.yml file in it, putting in the following:
 <file> <file>
-version: "3.8" 
 services: services:
Zeile 48: Zeile 39:
     cap_add:     cap_add:
       - NET_ADMIN       - NET_ADMIN
-initially i wanted to make networkmode host to acces ports on locahost directly +    healthcheck: 
-it turned out not to work in rootless- mode for security reasons +      test: "wget --no-verbose --tries=1 --spider https://www.servername.domainname.tld || exit 1" 
-so don't use host- mode. to access local services take the hostname directly, maybe define it static and add it to /etc/hosts +      interval: "60s" 
-e.g. pcserver:9000 - mind, that the port must be pubilshed by the other containers to the host +      timeout: "3s" 
-# NOT localhost:9000 - this is prevented by docker in rootless- mode !+      start_period: "5s" 
 +      retries: 3 
 +Be sure, that docker daemon has access to unprivileged ports (beneath 1024) 
 +This can be archived by: 
 +setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/bin/rootlesskit 
 +# To access local servicestake the hostname directly, maybe define it static and add it to /etc/hosts on the host 
 +Mind, that the ports must be pubilshed by the other containers to the host via ports or expose, or add them to the network 
 +e.g. pcserver:9000 !!! NOT: !!! localhost:9000 - this is prevented by docker in rootless- mode 
 +#Do NOT use networkmode: "host", this will fail (Acme: Connection refused)!
 #    network_mode: "host" #    network_mode: "host"
-# set /etc/sysctl.conf to allow Port 80 and 443 with 
-# net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start = 80 
-# net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start = 443 
     ports:     ports:
       - "80:80"       - "80:80"
Zeile 64: Zeile 61:
 volumes: volumes:
   caddy_data:   caddy_data:
-    driver: local 
-    driver_opts: 
-      device: "" 
-      type: "" 
-      o: "umask=0007" 
   caddy_config:   caddy_config:
-    driver: local 
-    driver_opts: 
-      device: "" 
-      type: "" 
-      o: "umask=0007" 
   caddy_certs:   caddy_certs:
-    driver: local 
-    driver_opts: 
-      device: "" 
-      type: "" 
-      o: "umask=0007" 
   caddy_sites:   caddy_sites:
-    driver: local 
-    driver_opts: 
-      device: "" 
-      type: "" 
-      o: "umask=0007" 
 </file> </file>
 +Also, check that your Firewall has those Port 80 + 443 open on your host and that Port Forwarding in your Router is enabled for ipv4 and for ipv6.
 ===== Caddy Configuration ===== ===== Caddy Configuration =====
 if you omit the Caddyfile, the server will already work, but we can directly Skip those tests and create the file ''Caddyfile'' in that folder too with the following content: if you omit the Caddyfile, the server will already work, but we can directly Skip those tests and create the file ''Caddyfile'' in that folder too with the following content:
 <file> <file>
-https://portainer.obel1x.dynv6.net:443 {+ 
 +https://portainer.my.domain.tld:443 {
         header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000;         header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000;
-        reverse_proxy pcserver2023:9000+        reverse_proxy mylocalhostname:9000
 } }
 </file> </file>
 +replace //mylocalhostname// with your actual hostname (can be found out by calling hostname in your terminal).
 +Don't use localhost - see above. If you do not have a clue which hostname you have, better specify some fixed one which you can freely chose and edit ''/etc/hosts'' to have that name point to your local ip.
 +===== Fetch and run the Caddy Container =====
 +Thats all - use ''docker-compose up -d'' to start your container. In the Container- Logs you will see Caddy automagically create SSL- Certificates from lets encrypt if everything was setup the right way. Caddy will take care of renewal without the need to configure anything.
 +If the Caddy doe not return any Errors, you now have a powerful proxy, that can transparently deliver your Dockers to the world with SSL- encryption enabled.
  • content/serverbasics/docker-caddy.1704741977.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/01/08 19:26
  • von Daniel