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content:serverbasics [2024/10/26 12:35] – [Recover faulty Disc] Danielcontent:serverbasics [2025/02/11 07:43] (aktuell) – [Which Usecase] Daniel
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== Linux: Basic Server Configuration ======+====== Linux: Advanced SoHo- Server Configuration ====== 
 +Welcome to my **Advanced Server Setup- Documentation**. 
 +In these chapters, i will explain how to setup and configure a full featured Active Domain- Network with Kerberos Single-Sign-On and Domain Integration of Linux Clients on a rootless containerized Docker- Installation including Nextcloud as personal Cloud to store all your Data and PIM locally and safe. That way you get a fully managed, Cloud enabled Homeoffice Network at low costs and much space for your personal data on your own pc. 
 +===== Current State ===== 
 +This Document is currently under developement and chapters are not final right now. This will change in the Future. 
 +===== Usecase ===== 
 +This is not a slim Setup - so if you only have old hardware or you are trying to figure out on yoru small office-pc, this may not work as well as you need it. 
 +You should have at least 
 +  * Large Harddrives: If you have maybe 1.5 TB of Data all togehter, you will need: 
 +      * 3 TB of space on your working directory / raid5 = 3 Harddrives, each 1 TB at least 
 +      * 6 TB of space on your backup / raid5 = 3 Harddrives, each 2 TB at least 
 +      * about maybe 100GB for the system / raid1 = 2 Harddrives 
 +      * about maybe 100GB for the databases / raid1 = 2 Harddrives 
 +      * maybe two extra drives for external backups, each 6 TB (you can also store that in the internet, but you will need a large space there too) 
 +  * A Server, that has relyable, quite fast internet in Download and Upload rates - while Upload may be more Importen 
 +  * The Server should be reachable all the time 
 +===== How to Start ===== 
 +First, read this Page, get the Hardware and install the system. You should understand the Hardwaresetup and the installation of Linux and Raid- Systems first (as decribend beneath). 
 +Then, go on whith [[.:serverbasics:network-dyndns|DynDNS- Setup]] to make your PC reachable from the net. 
 +Next, setup docker as decribed in the Chapter. When you have portainer running, you can go like this: 
 +  - Nextcloud-AIO 
 +  - FreeIPA 
 +  - Authentik 
 +Then glue them together with SSO, SPNEGO and Nextcloud-SSO. Then you should have understood everything, you can now play around on your own.
-These setting here are an advice to think about when setting up a new linux- machine (here on an opensuse distrubution, which i really like). 
 ===== Subpages ===== ===== Subpages =====
 <catlist content:serverbasics -nohead -noNSInBold -sortAscending -sortByTitle -noAddPageButton -maxDepth:1> <catlist content:serverbasics -nohead -noNSInBold -sortAscending -sortByTitle -noAddPageButton -maxDepth:1>
 +===== Basic System =====
 +As Hardware, you should have at least:
 +  * a single standard Desktop- PC with 4 or more Cores
 +  * equipped with at least 16 GB of RAM and
 +  * for failure of Discs a swappable mounting Rack to contain at least 5 Discs (should not have Raid as Hardware, as Software Raid in Linux is much more efficient!)
 +  * Additional at least one external Disk, you may use to copy your Backups to and store them on a different physikal location
 ===== Mountpoints ===== ===== Mountpoints =====
Zeile 166: Zeile 213:
 </code> </code>
 ==== LVM ==== ==== LVM ====
Zeile 279: Zeile 325:
 And there is one Reason: Docker - at the current time of writing this (20.04.2024) you should NOT USE BTRFS with Docker. More is explained later. And there is one Reason: Docker - at the current time of writing this (20.04.2024) you should NOT USE BTRFS with Docker. More is explained later.
 ==== Mountoptions ==== ==== Mountoptions ====
Zeile 412: Zeile 457:
 So you should maybe think of setting a better umask than 022 - which would make all users of you group have read access to you files to lets say 077. Or - even better don't use the group "users", but make a group with the same name as the user per User itself. Than you can have umask 007. So you should maybe think of setting a better umask than 022 - which would make all users of you group have read access to you files to lets say 077. Or - even better don't use the group "users", but make a group with the same name as the user per User itself. Than you can have umask 007.
-On my system the umask can be defined in the file ''/etc/login.defs'' .+On my system the umask can be defined in the file ''/etc/login.defs''  .
 But to go on directory- permissions: forget about umask. But to go on directory- permissions: forget about umask.
 ==== FACLs ==== ==== FACLs ====
  • content/serverbasics.1729946139.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2024/10/26 12:35
  • von Daniel