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Apache PHP- FPM- Serverguide
Howto setup a LAMP-Server in 2018-2020
This documentation is about how to set up a LAMP- Server (Linux, Apache, MySql, PhP) in the current, most stable way. The Reason for me writing this is, that default Installations of common Distruibutions are often based on an old way in Server- Configuration, which is not the way it could be done today, leading to instability and complex configuration.
To get the Differences, this is how my Distro (OpenSuSE) delivers the Packages by default and which disadvanteages it has:
- Apache-Prefork. That way, Apache is one Application with many threads - which is slower, consumes more memory and doesn't scale good
- PHP-Module integrated in the Apche- Server which is not released as stable and may crash the whole Apache- Server on Errors
- Using Network Connection to connect to
- MariaDB
And here is what this guide will set up:
- Apache- Event. That way, Apache is one small Apache- Manager- Application which will spawn as many Apache- Servers as needed to handle the incoming connections dynamically. This is stable, as one Error may only crash the one Instance, which will be respawned by the Apache- Manager dynamically
- Connection to php is done by Proxy- Handling in Apache
- PHP-FPM will also Spawn PHP-Instances dynamically for each script beeing run
- Using Socket Connections to connect to
- MariaDB
Choosing Installation-Media & Install Basic System
First, starting from Windows, you should make sure to have enough harddisk- space free (i recommend at least 60 GB). Then get the installation-medium of the Linux your choice. I will stick to OpenSuSE as to get from OpenSuSE (use Leap 15.1 currently as stable Distro. Tumbleweed may be instable). Follow the instructions to
- Download the DVD-Image from the Webpage as described there
- Make the Installation- Media
- Install the System with standard Desktop- Packages (KDE)
- Boot into new Linux and Set Up Desktop as you like
Basic System- Scaling thoughts
The most important thing to consider when making performant LAMP is to not overextend memory-usage of your System. That means, that the amount of memory used by all Applications, should normally never exeed the system-memory space. If the settings are too high for your setup, the system will start to swap o lot of data, not working fast enough any more. As basic thumb-based Values, you need: 1 GByte Memory for Linux- Base- System 1 GByte Memory if you plan to have the graphical Desktop running (you can run that server in Textmode, which will not consume Memory) 1 GByte free (this will be used by System for filecache)
The remaining Memory should be Split around this Values:
- 1/2 to Mysql
- 1/4 to PhP
- 1/4 to Apache
Those values are only for initial setup. After watching your System some time, you can adjust them to your needs. Mostly, when the system is growing, the Database will need even much more Memory than the Webserver, but that depens on your needs.
This is a very tight setup - having no more space for other Applications. So maybe if possible, spend some more GB and leave them free or dedicated to other things (e.g. In- Memory-DB like redis for special jobs).
Again in short: Don't use more Memory as your system can deliver, or you will have no fun with it!
How to tell that your System is set up right
As the System is still usable also with a bad configuration, here is how to check if the Memory is set up right:
Open a terminal and type in „top“ as command. In the 4th line you should see „KiB Mem…“ . The important Values in that line are: XXX free ⇒ if this Value is to low (<90000 is very low), the System has no space left to start new Tasks. This Value should always be higher. 256000 or more is a good Value. XXX buff/cache ⇒ this is the value, that the system has allocated for filebuffering. A low value indicates that it may not performe well. The Value should be around 1024000 or more for best performance.
If those values are both high, you can go and set swappiness to 0, which means that the system will tray to stay in memory as long as it will be possible.
Use „systemctl vm.swappiness = 0“ and set it in /etc/sysctl.conf by adding line „vm.swappiness=0“.
Install MAriaDB (MySql)
In OpenSuSE MariaDB is available and working out of the Box (maybe change the Admin- Password at first Start). MySQL is tuneable in /etc/my.cnf:
You should check the Parameters align with the memory of your machine (see above): Settings for 4 GB Memory (at all), are:
- innodb_buffer_pool_size = 768M
- innodb_log_file_size = 96M
- #Hint: innodb_log_file_size * 2/innodb_buffer_pool_size should be equal 25%)
- max_connections = 24
- join_buffer_size = 12M
- sort_buffer_size = 1M
- readn_rnd_buffer_size = 1M
Memory-Usage will be: innodb_buffer_pool_size + ( join_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size + readn_rnd_buffer_size ) * max_connections. If your System has more memory, use some tuning script (like MySQLTuner-perl) to see what makes most sense to put the memory to.
For a local setup, you should use Sockets and disable networking. To do this, set
socket = /run/mysql/mysql.sock
You should than deactivate TCP/IP with „skip-networking“ and comment out the bind-address.
Start Mysql with „rcmysqld start“ at the command line as root, it should work now.
After that had worked you should secure your Database by giving a password as it was explained by the step above when starting it. If not shure just run „ /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation “.
Install Apache
In SuSE 15.X the apache-prefork is installed by default as MPM, which means having one single Apache- Programm in memory. This is not very well scaleable (not multithreaded) and not very stable, as one hangig Request can stop the Server.
In modern setups, apache-event (which is the successor of the apache-worker MPM) is used. This is the most stable and best multithreaded webserver commonly used. If you experience problems with it, you can switch back to apache-worker, which is basically the same.
To switch to that MPM:
- Open the Software Store
- Install apache-event
- Remove apache-prefork
- Commit the Changes
- in /etc/apache2/server-tuning.conf the module will be configured. Event and Worker is nearby the same. I use the following parameters for the event/worker module:
#This Config is for event or worker MPMs. #ServerLimit is the maximum number of apache-servers running beside the one controlling server. So 31 will make max. 32 Processes in total. ServerLimit 31 # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mpm_common.html#startservers StartServers 2 #This should be set to threadsperchild * serverlimit MaxRequestWorkers 496 # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mpm_common.html#minsparethreads MinSpareThreads 32 MaxSpareThreads 64 # number of worker threads created by each child process # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mpm_common.html#threadsperchild ThreadsPerChild 16 # maximum number of requests a server process serves # http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mpm_common.html#maxrequestsperchild MaxRequestsPerChild 5000 #unsued Parameters, while not needed or obsolete #MaxClients 512 #ThreadLimit 16
I would suggest to remove any mpm-specific configurations and use only those settings. You can leave the other settings as defined by initial setup.
Install PhP-FPM
If installed, remove mod_php (see beneath)! The Module for apache is known to make it slow and instable - here we will set up PhP-FPM, which is much more stable and much faster. Here you can find a good Documentation for changing to php-fpm, but we will extend them a bit.
PhP-FPM is a Server for running the PhP-Instances in a controlled way. It will manage the maximum amount of running instances and take care of errors like hanging scripts. To get it:
- Uninstall mod_php and remove it from apache- starting parameters:
sudo zypper remove apache2-mod_php7 sudo a2dismod php7
- I would suggest using a newer Version of php-fpm than in the default Repositories. E.g. using the Version of Repository „Apache Modules“. Check out other „Experimental Packages“ in https://software.opensuse.org/package/php7-fpm?search_term=php+fpm
- Either install the new Version with 1-Click-Install there or for the default Version, use
sudo zypper install php7-fpm
- Copy the configuration-files for php-fpm:
sudo cp /etc/php7/fpm/php-fpm.conf.default /etc/php7/fpm/php-fpm.conf sudo cp /etc/php7/fpm/php-fpm.d/www.conf.default /etc/php7/fpm/php-fpm.d/www.conf
- Than go to /etc/php7/fpm and briefly check if php-fpm.conf is ok for you
- Explanation: In php-fpm.d directory you need to set up at least one pool. This is one Instance for Apache to speak to.
The „pm“-setting in www.conf controls how much memory will be used at the end. Start with:
- pm = dynamic
- pm.max_children = 120
- pm.start_servers = 12
- pm.min_spare_servers = 6
- pm.max_spare_servers = 18
Using Sockets
Whenever you can - you should use unix sockets instead of TCP/IP, because of less overhead. If you are on the same machine (apache and php-fpm), than you can.
So this here is new for the setup: in „/etc/php7/fpm/php-fpm.d/www.conf“ set
listen = /run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock listen.owner = wwwrun listen.group = www listen.mode = 0660
You need to make the file be created by systemd, so create a file /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/php-fpm.conf and paste this line there:
d /run/php-fpm 0700 wwwrun root -
PHP Configuration
I do not recommend using php.ini in /etc/php7/fpm, but to put it in /etc/php7/conf.d With that Setup, the whole php-configuration will be the same for cli- and web(f)cgi- php execution. Check to move all php.ini files to conf.d. After that, go through the ini-files in conf.d an see if they fit your needs. Especially each Parameter should only be defined once.
After that, start php-fpm:
sudo systemctl start php-fpm sudo systemctl enable php-fpm
and check, if the socket-file has been created.
About PHP- Modules
many modules for PHP are offered in the Distrubution. I would not recommend using those - as all php-modules need to be compiled against your php. If you update PHP and your modules are the same, they may brake your PHP!
Better use pearl / pecl and install modules with it! Here, i have found no other way, than to search for php-pear and php-pecl in the distribution and use them.
For me, i needed: php-pear, php-pecl, php7-devel (for command phpize)
Which can be found in the Repo: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/devel:languages:php
After that, modules can be installed by e.g. „pecl install imagick“. They also need to be loaded in php.conf. I would make an new config named /etc/php7/conf.d/pear_pecl.ini and include they modules there. E.g. „extension=imagick.so“
Restart php-fpm for the changes and check the log of php-fpm (usually in /var/log/php-fpm.log) for errors when loading modules.
Tell Apache to use php-fpm
For making Apache use php-fpm as php-server, you use the module „proxy_fcgi“, which should be included in the apache MPM- Package.
Caution: this has noting to do with „mod_fcgi“! You will not need mod_fcgi, as this would manage php itself in a new server, which we dont' want! „proxy_fcgi“ offers the fcgi- interface and tunnels it to php-fpm. Thus, it will be a small wrapper, not having to manage something as big as php.
- To enable this and all its dependencies, use
sudo a2enmod setenvif rewrite proxy proxy_fcgi
Now, tell proxy_fcgi to use php:
- Create /etc/apache2/conf.d/mod_proxy_fcgi.conf and add:
# Don't use "ProxyPassMatch", while non-ascii-urls will not work! # This is to forward all PHP to php-fpm <FilesMatch \.php$> SetHandler "proxy:unix:/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock|fcgi://localhost/" </FilesMatch> # Don't use "Reuse" cause of timeouts and php-fpm manages reuse of php automagically! # <Proxy fcgi://localhost enablereuse=on max=10> <Proxy fcgi://localhost> #6 Hours = 21600 #Make this high, as upload will stop after that amount of time ProxySet connectiontimeout=30 timeout=21600 </Proxy> # If the php file doesn't exist, disable the proxy handler. # This will allow .htaccess rewrite rules to work and # the client will see the default 404 page of Apache RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} \.php$ RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/%{REQUEST_URI} !-f RewriteRule (.*) - [H=text/html]
Start and check Apache
Now you can start and enable apache2
sudo systemctl start apache2 sudo systemctl enable apache2
check if the modules have beend loaded:
apache2ctl -M
This should include proxy_fcgi_module now.
Create a PHP- Test- File
Create the File /srv/www/htdocs/phpinfo.php (with read-permissions for user wwwrun) and paste this into it:
<?php // Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL phpinfo(); ?>
Now open your Web- Browser and go to: http://localhost/phpinfo.php
This should give you the complete Info of your php-configuration. If something fails, check if the above services are started an/or the logfiles.
In Production, you should not run a plain http-server, but switch to SSL. Therefore, you can get ssl-certificates from let's encrypt and follow the instructions there to switch to ssl. You need some internet Name like www.myname.com registered for your server to get this (e.g. via Dyndns). The process to make your server visible is something to be explained a bit more, but thats basically what you need to do (official internet-name/DNS- entry and ssl-encryption). as long as you don't want to make the server world-reachable and use it nly fr testing, your are also fine without DNS and SSL, but you should make sure, that your firewall blocks http(80) and https(443)-ports.
Well: You are done. Now its up to you to fill Apache with content. Have fun!
Manage Database with phpMyAdmin
To manage your local Database, it would be nice to have phpMyAdmin installed first (via Package-manager). After that, copy the config.sample.inc.php to config.inc.php under /srv/www/htdocs/phpMyAdmin to use the socket /run/mysql/mysql.sock you specified before for mysql.
You can finish the setup of your phpMyAdmin by visiting http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/index.php
Installing Eclipse
Get Eclipse with PDT here: https://www.eclipse.org/pdt/
You may download the file, extract the contents (e.g. to ~/eclipse) and run the installer there in userspace (no superuser is required).
Filling Content to your Server
This is a demo to install some small Software to your Server. I will use the github- Project EP3-BS for testing.
Install git-web
This is a nice tool, to view your git-repositorys. Install it, and create a directory named /srv/git and make it writeable to users. Restart your webserver.
You should already be able to go to http://localhost/git/ and see an empty project- Directory.
Download some Project
To get the git-project, open a terminal, change to /srv/git and execute „git clone https://github.com/obel1x/ep3-bs.git".
You should already be set to open the project in eclipse. If you rightclick on the Project, you can add Composer-support to automate the installation of composer-modules while setup of ep3.
Than create the Apache configuration to point to that directory:
Alias /ep3 "/srv/git/ep3-bs/public/" <Directory "/srv/git/ep3-bs/"> require local Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All DirectoryIndex index.php </Directory>
After that, follow the instructions in https://github.com/tkrebs/ep3-bs/blob/master/data/docs/install.txt. Remember to use eclipse for installing composer-modules as written above!
As Database you can create a new user (e.g. named ep3) with corresponid database and fill the configuration to fit.
After that, your testinstallation should work already.