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FreeIPA is a collection of Tools and a Web- GUI for managing an AD (Active Directory). As docker Image, it delivers LDAP for central storing of Users, Hosts and Keys. The bind- DNS will serve Hostnames to IP- Adresses and the Kerberos will deliver SSO attached to the Users.
This chapter will describe, how to install FreeIPA in a rootless Docker- Environement, use letsencrypt Crtificates for SSL and TLS and how to setup central user- management with it.
You will need a Docker- Host, that is rechable from the Internet wil its fully qualifierd Domain- Name (FQDN) as described before. The given Ports must be reachable from the clients.
Docker composer
FreeIPA will not use a Database - all needed informations are stored into the Docker Data- Volume.
Frst, create a Directory in your Docker-Compose directry that you chose before in http://obel1x.de/doku.php?id=content:serverbasics:docker#create_a_place_for_yamls
Then, create your docker-compsoe.yml
like this:
services: freeipa: image: freeipa/freeipa-server:almalinux-9 restart: unless-stopped hostname: [FQDN_HOSTNAME] #For dns setup: # read_only: true environment: IPA_SERVER_HOSTNAME: [FQDN_HOSTNAME] TZ: "Europe/Berlin" PASSWORD: 'NEWPASSWORD' # DEBUG_NO_EXIT: 1 tty: true stdin_open: true cgroup: host cap_add: - NET_ADMIN volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - ipa_data:/data - ipa_journal:/var/log/journal - /run/user/[UID_OF_DOCKERUSER]/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:rw tmpfs: - /run - /tmp sysctls: - net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 - net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=0 security_opt: - "seccomp:unconfined" command: - -U - --domain=clients.[FQDN_HOSTNAME] # Must match the last part of the Domain-Name and must be upper case and routed to the domain - --realm=[DOMAINPART_OF_HOSTNAME] - --http-pin=[NEWHTTPDPIN] - --dirsrv-pin=[NEWDIRSRVPIN] - --setup-dns # - --no-host-dns #NTP - not needed, this is the server which time is taken from /etc/localtime see volumes #This server has also a chrony-daemon running here to sync time - --no-ntp # - --ntp-server= - --auto-forwarders # - --forwarder= #Error: Unable to determine the amount of available RAM - --skip-mem-check ports: #HTTP(s): Will be proxiesd by Caddy # - "8082:80" # - "8443:443" #LDAP (needed) - "389:389" #LDAPs (needed) - "636:636" #Kerberos (needed) - "88:88" - "464:464" - "88:88/udp" - "464:464/udp" #DNS (needed) - "53:53" - "53:53/udp" #NTP - not needed, takes chronyd of the host # - "123:123/udp" #Unknown: # - "7389:7389" # - "9443:9443" # - "9444:9444" # - "9445:9445" volumes: ipa_data: ipa_journal:
Caddy wil be used for Proxy, so in your Caddyfile (see https://obel1x.de/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=content:serverbasics:docker-caddy#caddy_configuration) use this:
# FreeIPA http://[FQDN_HOSTNAME]:80 { reverse_proxy serverpc-freeipa-1:80 } https://[FQDN_HOSTNAME]:443 { header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000; reverse_proxy https://serverpc-freeipa-1:443 { transport http { tls tls_insecure_skip_verify } } }
LDAP - Zentrales AD
Coming soon…